The Google keyboard has been updated with one of the classic buttons of any word processor

One of the most used applications on Android is Gboard, the keyboard that comes standard on most mobile phones that are sold in Spain. This application is one of the most used by Google, although it goes unnoticed due to its very nature. And knowing how to make the most of it can change the way we interact with our mobile phones.

However, it has been evolving a lot in recent years, and improving. So much so that It has practically become the default keyboard for most users. And that wasn’t like that before. At the origin of Android there were proposals such as Swype or Swiftkey that competed with the Google application, and many keyboards from small developers that found their place.

But we must recognize the good work of the company with this application, which It has not only been copying the best functions of its rivalssuch as sliding to write, but it has also been improving in other minor functions but that represent a change for the better in its daily use. A good example is its integration into folding mobile phones.

The latest update of the application in beta version14.9.06, which is already available in Spain and to which we have had access, is the one that allows use a new well-known key in programs like Microsoft Office. This is the key Undo which, as its name indicates, allows us to delete the last action we have performed, be it writing a letter, pasting an element or deleting it.

This new key is among the configurable keys, which can be placed in the position we want within the shortcut menu that the keyboard has. To activate it you just have to click on the icon of the four boxes in the upper left corner from Gboard and look for the button called Undo. If we want we can drag it to the top bar, so that it is more accessible.

New Gboard button

New Gboard button

The Free Android

Once there we can press it whenever we need to to delete an action. Furthermore, when we use it, A new menu will appear in the same options bar that will allow us to execute the action case we were wrong. This is useful in case we have deleted something we didn’t want, for example.

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