Protect your mobile taking control of the Bluetooth connection with these tips

Smart mobiles have been a success in Spain and the rest of the countries in the world in large part by SIS Wireless communication systems. The main is the communication of dice through the mobile network, but the Wi -Fi and the Bluetooth connection are also important systems.

The latter was available in mobile phones at the beginning of the century, even before they became smartphonesallowing the sending of information or need to use the infrared emitters and receptors that some models had in the twentieth century.

Bluetooth communication is currently used to connect various devices, But it is still possible to send and receive information through this systemalthough users do not use it for it. The problem is that this enables malicious attacks against devices that have active bluetooth, something that is currently necessary on many occasions since we carry clocks, headphones or audio systems in constantly connected cars.

It is important to be clear that for such an attack to occur, you have to be close. According to Briedis, Cto de Nordvpn, “For an attack sent through Bluetooth to succeed, it needs to be at least 10 meters“. Of course, it is possible” that some cyber attacks can be launched at 100 meters. “That is why these types of attacks are more common in busy areas such as shopping centers, airports, etc.

To avoid or minimize the possibilities of being attacked, a series of actions must be carried out. They cannot always be done, but we must keep in mind that this type of attacks are increasingly frequent.

  • Put Bluetooth devices in undetectable mode. By default some Bluetooth devices are in detectable mode, which means that any other device can see them. If we are not matching a device, the right thing is not to put them this mode.

  • Reject unknown connection requests. As with the emails, WhatsApp messages or calls, we must reject any connection attempt by devices that we do not know. And if they send us something you have to erase it immediately.

  • Put passwords for connections. If possible it is a good idea to use passwords to prevent unauthorized devices from connecting automatically. And if one is one like 0000 or 1234, you have to change it if you can.

  • Increase in data use. If a data use is appreciated that is not explained by the use of the mobile, we may be being controlled from another device. In that case it is best to put the mobile in plane mode and check the connections.

  • Suspicious activities. If the mobile cuts the calls unexpectedly or if messages appear that we have not sent we may be compromised. The best thing in this case is to restore factory configuration.

  • Disable Bluetooth when not used. Normally this prevents the risk of attacks, but it is not possible to carry it out when we carry an smart watch, or we are using wireless headphones.

As always happens in these cases, Common sense usually helps make accurate decisions. Whenever we have some doubt about something that happens on our mobile, it is best to act assuming the worst, and take all the precautions we can.

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