The tricks that I recommend on WhatsApp to differentiate the most important contacts and not lose any message

If there is a par excellence that many users make in Spain of their smartphone, it is to open WhatsApp to communicate with their loved ones. It is one of the most used apps in the country, according to statista data, and the truth is that it has a huge user base among which, practically everyone, meet many people who use it.

WhatsApp is increasingly independent of other finishing services, but it is true that, even so, it has a series of options that make it the most interesting. Among them, it is possible to do surveys in the groups, and even create your own emoticons by overlapping some on each other. However, the app also boasts other capabilities

When used in many areas, such as staff, labor and even the academic, there are times when the conversations that the user has in the app can be numerous. This can lead to several problemsas, at a time when you need quickly to send a message, the concrete contact that you want to send is not found.

While it is possible to file conversations so that the least important do not occupy the entire space of the main screen, there are also other measures that, far from hiding the unimportant conversations, enhance those that are. In this way, It will be easier to distinguish preferred users that are inside the app.

After all, there are always people who talk more than other people, and it is worth making them more accessible for when we want to talk to them. Luckily, the versatility offered by the application allows us to do this in several ways.

Fixed conversation

One of the simplest ways to give more importance to some conversations is basically, make these always appear at the top of the application. This will make you open whatsapp, the first three or four chats are the ones that each user prefersso that they are more accessible.

It is a native option of the application and that can be applied in several chats. To do this, it will only be necessary, on the main screen, to keep pressed on each of those who want to fix. When they have chosen, enough with click on the bug button that is in the upper bar.

Thus, every time the app is opened, these conversations can be seen at all, even if there are no recent messages. The bug icon will also appear, to reveal that these messages are there because they have been fixed. To remove them from here, The same process will have to be followedkeeping pressed on the chat and giving the bug again.

It must be said that this option is also available for each of the chats, since within these it is possible to set some messages that we consider important, such as a address or other important type of information.

Icons in the launcher

Another action that can be interesting to have these contacts in a place that is easy to access is to create direct access to their chats. These can be located on the desktop To be able to access them as fast as possible. For this, an icon will be created that will be located on the main screen and that will have the same image that has that contact as a profile photo.

In this way it will be possible to identify it easily. You can create several of these at the same time, and the truth is that they are a great help in order to quickly open the most important WhatsApp chats. To create one of these direct accesses You just have to place on the main screen of the application And once there are pressed on the conversations we want to have on the home screen and press the three -point menu.

Here, you just have to click on the option to create direct access. If this option is also used with the contact application, now to place them in two different pages to be able to differentiate which is a direct call access and what is direct access to the WhatsApp chat.

Beyond this, it must be borne in mind that when they were pressed on the application icon, a drop -down will open in which some of the recent contacts will be shown so that they can be opened quickly

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