The unknown option to save battery on your mobile and improve the connection instantly

The Android phones available in Spain have been improving little by little until they become considerably smarter. As time has passed, these have gone acquiring some of the most interesting functionssuch as using the intelligent response mode to notifications, or even the variable refresh rate mode.

The truth is that the capabilities of these devices have improved greatly in recent years, and this has made them even more versatile. Although there are some features that are not intended to offer new use to the user, but, as could be the case with automatic brightness, they seek to improve performance in a specific section of the mobile.

This is the case of what happens with WiFi Assistant, a function with which the smartphone takes control of management of the connections to always offer the best signal to the user, and all this without having to change from one network to another. Thus, it is possible to always maintain a stable and quality connection.

WiFi Assistant

There are some times when, when moving the mobile phone away from the WiFi network, signal strength is lostand in turn this makes it somewhat more complicated to maintain good download and upload speeds. At least, until you open the settings and switch to another closer WiFi network or, directly, to mobile data.

What this Assistant function offers is precisely to carry out intelligent management of this connection. In this way, if it detects a loss of signal, it will look for the best alternative so that the user can continue enjoying the same speed, even if using other means.

For example, if you are at work and there are several networks, your mobile It will automatically change from one to the other depending on which one offers the best performance at all times. Thus, optimize your connection so that you can always be on the best network.

In exchange for this, however, some control is lost over which networks the device is going to connect to, since it does this completely automatically and without interrupting the current connection that the device has. In any case, to activate it, you just have to open the Settings app, click on the WiFi section and once there click on the section called WiFi Assistant.

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