Winamp is still alive in 2024 thanks to the WACUP project

It all started with Winamp. This music player It was the first of many. And it marked a before and after in the way of consuming music. At the beginning of digitalization, MP3 made it possible save your song collection on your computer. And play them with Winamp. But that was a long time ago. Today, music is consumed by streaming on your smartphone thanks to Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube. But Winamp is still alive. In part, thanks to WACUP. A project that arises from the love of an app that deserves a special place in history.

In the past we have talked about the history of Winamp, the player that popularized MP3. Then Napster would come to make it possible to share songs over the Internet. And Apple with its iPod and the iTunes Store. Today converted to Apple Music. And finally, Spotify. So today, music is consumed through streaming. Although there are still those who prefer keep your songs safe on your devices. And not depend on a catalog that can disappear, change or censor.

WACUP is the acronym for Winamp Community Update Project. A project that has been in operation for several years and that arose before the decline of Winamp. Today, Winamp is still alive. Although it is not the Winamp that we all knew. This is a version for iPhone and Android. Although it also allows you to download a version for Windows. But it’s not too similar to the original Winamp. Hence, a group of volunteers has dedicated themselves to maintaining Winamp and incorporating several improvements. in keeping with the times that run

WACUP, the living legacy of Winamp

WACUP installs Winamp with the usual skins and several improvements in the form of plugins

Winamp was a music player created by Nullsoft in 1997. Its creators, Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev. Here’s the story in more detail. In 1999, they sold Nullsoft to AOLthe American internet giant. And, this, in turn, sold Nullsoft to Radionomy in 2014. Currently, this company was renamed to Llama Group. And last year it relaunched the player with its emblematic name, although adapting it mainly to mobile devices. Additionally, this spring they announced that they were going to share Winamp source code. However, many abandoned Winamp for other players like VLC or AIMP.

Furthermore, Winamp’s legacy has been diluted. The original app created by Frankel and Boldyrev reached the version 5.666. There was a version 5.7, but it was not finalized. With the purchase by Radionomy, Winamp continued to be updated with versions 5.8 and 5.9. But those responsible for WACUP decided stay with the original Winamp from Nullsoft and improve it. The project started in 2019 and is still active.

So if you go to the official WACUP website, you can download WACUP, which basically installs Winamp 5.666 on your Windows PC plus some additions that we will detail later. At the time of writing these lines, the latest version of WACUP was published on September 12, 2024. There is a version Preview and another Beta. The first, for x86 processors. And the second incorporates support for x64. Both can be installed on Windows 10 and Windows 11. They are free and, although they are in the development phase, they are fully functional.

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