The novelties are continuous in Telegram every little and the last was the inclusion of a QR code scanner for the user to forget a third -party app or the same function that his mobile can have. Now he takes a huge step to another destination very different from that he had set when his journey began as a chat application: Improve video consumption and that the user can share it.
The last of his novelties It was the inclusion of an enhanced search with artificial intelligence that allowed to search stickers through natural language, although it was limited by the number of them to stay in about 40,000, and that is not bad.
With the new update will allow all kinds of consultations for stickers and offer results that can become millions. The sympathy for this type of ‘bigger emojis’ has made Chat’s app see it as an opportunity so that anyone expresses as they want from Telegram.
Although the most important thing about this new update is the ability to Share a link to a video Stored on Telegram with the exact minute and second, as can be done on YouTube.
The inclusion of this novelty has not been done in a simple way, and even allows Choose the exact video frame to turn it into the cover image of the video that will be shared in the form of a link.
Choosing cover for a video to share
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It also includes a video editor which allows adding text, stickers and emojis to the chosen cover image. Which means that this first step taken by the chat application is aimed at a complete experience of video consumption; Surely Telegram has certain use data of this type of content that has put on alert to expand the reproduction experience.
In this update, announced from Your blogadds the Saved reproduction progress support of a video, so that when it flies it can be followed from just where it was left. Thus it shapes a video experience by which it is also known, although these new options will give wings to be shared by their content in a different way.
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Remember that, according to Techcrunchthe chat app eliminated 15 million groups and channels last yearalthough not everyone offered pirate content. Just for what has been in the trigger since last year with legal actions in Spain for accommodating pirate video content.