Even though Smartphones in Spain are tools practically capable of any taskit is true that to do many things you need an Internet connection. In many cases it even doesn’t matter over WiFi or mobile data.
The important thing in most cases is that the smartphone can connect to the network to perform its task. WiFi is usually the most recommended optionsince it does not use data from the operator’s monthly rate. However, there are many occasions when there is no choice but to use the Internet on your mobile.
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The only bad thing is that there are times when the connection does not work as fast as we want or need. Usually this It may be due to the area in which we are located and the limited presence of repeaters nearby, but it is also possible that it is due to other factors that are preventing us from enjoying the best coverage.
Luckily, there are some actions that can be done with your mobile phone to try to improve this signal. It must be taken into account that These are not foolproof methods.but in many cases they can be a great help if we need to improve the Internet connection.
Although whenever you change your mobile phone, you must check, within the settings, in the mobile networks section, that a network access point name has been correctly created. This basically makes the mobile phone able to connect to the Internet using the SIM cardand it is important to configure it with the operator name if it has not been configured automatically.
Remove the cover
Depending on the way the smartphone is built, it may have parts as important as the antenna located in different areas. For example, Smartphones with a metallic finish used to leave small lines in the back so that it had a signal.
For their part, other devices may have this element of the device located at the bottom, or at the top. Each mobile phone is different, and it may be worth investigating a little. And there are cases in which the device case itself, also depending on the materials it has, can create some type of interference that causes the mobile phone to not connect correctly.
Moto G23 with case
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Therefore, if the signal is not being obtained adequately, removing the phone case can be a great method to try to improve it. Also, if there is anything in the case that could create a connection problem, it is important to keep it in mind, in case we need to remember it in an emergency situation.
Goodbye to metals
There are times when the cover does not have to be the problem that the coverage does not reach well, but rather it may be due to some nearby element that is interfering with signal reception. Metals are one of the materials that generate the most interference in this sense.
Whether it is a ring or simply the magnet that is usually used to place the mobile in the car, they can cause poor coverage, so It is a good idea to remove them from near the deviceat least temporarily. After all, metal acts as an element that blocks the signal from the outside.
Therefore, the best thing when you want to achieve the greatest coverage is to remove any object that the mobile phone has covering its back or front and that could pose a problem. This, in fact, can also happen in pants, where zippers, buttons and other elements can affect it to a certain extent.
In many cases, these interferences are not caused by the small objects that we carry with us, but rather They are produced by the long structures that we have around us. And in these cases, logically, it is not within our power to move a wall or a metal door.
In places with abundant metal infrastructure, the signal may be weak, so it is worth taking this into account if we see that there are problems and that the signal does not arrive properly. In these cases What we can do is go somewhere else to see if where we are is the problem.
The most likely thing is that, if this is the case, when going outside we will achieve an adequate level of coverage for the task we need to carry out. In this sense, going outdoors is the best option, although it is not necessary to do it at street level, but in many cases it is enough to just go out to a balcony or roof terrace.