This Christmas, WhatsApp will be one of the most used applications in Spain. After all, it is the messaging app that users use the most in our countryaccording to Statista data. During this time, it is tradition to congratulate loved ones on the holidays, something that can be done in many ways, even creating your own greeting using artificial intelligence.
In many messaging apps, including WhatsApp, It is also possible to send stickerswhich are an element halfway between an emoji and a photograph, which does not take up too much space and can even be animated. And the best thing is that each user can create their own.
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Furthermore, on the occasion of the holidays, it is possible to create a sticker with an even more Christmassy touch, including some related emoticons and making it a great way to wish Christmas greetings to loved ones. Plus, the best thing is that you don’t even have to exit the application to do it.
Create your Christmas sticker
Previously, to create a sticker that could be used on WhatsApp, it was necessary to download a separate application specifically for it. However, it is now possible Do it from the chat you want to send to, directly. To do this, you just have to open the stickers section and go to the very beginning.
There, a button will appear to create them, after which you will have to choose a photo that you want to convert into stickers. It works in two different ways, since it is possible to either use the entire image or have WhatsApp extract only the faces from said image.
Christmas stickers on WhatsApp
Before finishing the process, it is necessary to click on the icon with a face at the top right, and there type “Christmas” in the search engine. This will make a series of emoticons appearwhich include many types of hats, which we can put on the image we have chosen.
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In this way, it will be possible to put Santa Claus’s hat or even a Christmas tree on the person in the image and thus use it during these holidays. After having created and sent it, you will only have to open the stickers section to be able to use it again, and it is even possible to save it in the favorites section.