the simple actions to recommend videos that you always like

If we talk about streaming content platforms, the name YouTube usually comes to the fore, since it is the free platform par excellence. Not only can you find music, but there are also movies, short films, documentaries, explanatory videos, gameplaysconcerts, and much more. In Spain, it is an alternative that many people use daily.

Of course, it is an endless source of content, and the best thing is that new videos are uploaded daily that add hours and hours of entertainment, most of which are totally free. Although it is true that the platform offers users a premium subscription through which advertising can be removed.

Despite this, ads are not usually a problem for many people, who do not mind seeing this type of content from time to time as long as the platform remains free. However, there are times when The problems do not come from the ads, but rather from the algorithmwhich is not able to recommend beyond a few videos, some of which, sometimes, we have even already seen. Luckily, there are some options thanks to which you can give this a breath of fresh air.

Reset your algorithm

Google has a series of options on YouTube thanks to which it allows the platform’s algorithm to be restored to its original state so that the user can try to shape it to their liking. After all, YouTube is learning from each person’s habits and preferencesalthough there are times when you can be wrong.

The first thing to do before starting is to delete the platform’s playback history, so that it remains empty and, in this sense, the app has nothing to draw inspiration from. Beyond this, you will also have to go to the History section, in the sidebar, and also delete the search history.

After this, you will see that YouTube does not recommend any videos. This is where the algorithm begins to shape itself, and therefore what we have to do is watch a video that we like. The platform will start recommending videos like thisand if these are interesting, it is best to watch them or save them for later, so that you learn.

On the other hand, if the opposite happens and you recommend a video that we do not like, all we will have to do is Click on the button with the three dots in the video thumbnail and click on the “I’m not interested” or “Do not recommend this channel” button, depending on your preference regarding the video.

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