Google has a large number of applications and platforms accessible from Spain, and in their respective fields, they are some of the best available. Some like Google Photos or YouTube are true references in backups and streaming services, respectively, and the large number of options that the company integrates into them always helps.
Gmail is another of the applications that receives a lot of love from the company, since it usually Constantly improve it to offer a better experience to users. However, there are some things, such as the number of unread emails, that depend more on the user than on the app itself.
For many people, it is not strange that dozens—and even hundreds—of unread emails accumulate from time to time. After all, spam has become the order of the day in many inboxes, as well as newsletters from platforms in which the user has created an account. All this can accumulate if you do not have some control.
This can end causing us to not be able to find an email within the inbox or that we even fail to read some important ones due to the large volume of unread emails that we have in the inbox. In any case, it is quite inadvisable to let these emails accumulate.
Luckily, the Gmail application itself has some tricks thanks to which it is possible to clean it easily. Furthermore, it will also be possible for the user to ensure that You will no longer receive spam emails from certain recipientsso it will be easier for them not to accumulate again on other occasions.
Search and delete
When a lot of emails accumulate in the inbox, the most important thing is to delete those that are not important and read or save those that we do want to keep. After all, There is no reason to delete an email if we think it will be useful to us. in the future.
First of all, you should know that Gmail offers an option to archive emails, which is not the same as deleting them, but rather like save them in a different section, but without actually deleting them. It can be a great option for those messages that we want to keep, but without them appearing in the inbox.
Size filter in Gmail
The Free Android
When cleaning many emails in Gmail, the most convenient thing may be to do it by using searches. It is advisable to do it on your computer, although you can also do it from your mobile phone. The method consists of viewing the messages that we have in the inbox and the recipient to which they belong.
Once this has been verified, we will only have to go to the search engine and write, for example, “from: alberto” and in this way the application will show all the emails that have been sent to us from that recipient. If instead of entering a name we enter Amazon or Netflix, all the emails that these companies have sent us will be shown.
This way, it will be easier to locate all the messages and be able to delete them at once. As we say, it is highly recommended to check the different emails that are going to be deleted to avoid deleting something that is important.
Unsubscribe or block
There are many occasions in which this accumulation of emails occurs mainly because there are many companies sending recurring emails. In many cases, the user does not even look for these to reach themand they can be a nuisance. It is possible to unsubscribe from this subscription to company emails. To do this, there are two methods, the first is to go to the end of the email, where everyone should have a button to stop these emails from arriving. Otherwise, a button should appear next to the recipient’s name that says “Unsubscribe.”
These two actions should be enough for the user to stop receiving emails from these senders. However, there are times when certain companies use methods to send emails to you from a different sender, but one that is part of the same company, although it is true that this is not usually the case.
In these cases in which the reception of emails does not stop despite the user’s attempts, the best thing to do is mark as spam and block the user from the three dot menu. This way you will be notified that your messages are being unwanted, in addition to allowing the user to continue sending more.