This is the best alternative to the Robinson list so that they don’t bother you with advertising

As our digital life becomes more and more common, scam attempts or contact to offer services that we have not asked for becomes more normal in Spain. They are not only calls from companies that want us to hire their services, but discomfort at all hours And even some calls that are directly criminal.

To try to alleviate that situation, the Robinson list was created in our countrythat allowed Spanish citizens to sign up for not receiving unplayed commercial calls. For a few years this has been the only option available already has helped them, but it is true that there are still many companies that do not take it into account, despite the fines that it can collide ignore it.

Now a New option call Stop Advertising list That, with the approval of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, it seeks to create a database with people who do not want to receive advertising not only by phone, but also through other contact methods.

This proposal is similar to the Robinson list, but it has some added advantages. It is promoted from the Spanish Association for Digital Privacy and We can indicate social media profiles in addition to telephone number or emails in which we do not want to receive direct advertising.

Even It is possible to request not to receive advertising through messaging applications, such as WhatsAppsomething that is increasingly common since we use this application to communicate with companies and not only with individuals. In Spain WhatsApp has become the default contact app.

Stop Advertising list

Stop Advertising list

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This new proposal comes two years of efforts so that the Spanish Agency for Data Protection GIVE THE APPROACH AS ASSOCIATION FOR THE RESTRICTION OF ADVERTISING SHIPPING to any user who registered on their website. Technically Companies must consult this list to know who they can send advertisingunder threat of fines depending on current legislation.

To register in this service, which is free for individuals, we can register in Your website and add both telephone number and emails or social networks that we want companies not to use to send us advertising. Yes indeed, We may take up to 30 days to see results since it is the deadline that the law gives to companies to erase users who do not want to be contacted for advertising purposes.

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