WhatsApp has More than 2,960 million users worldwide. We like it or not, it has become an app of obligatory installation if you want to talk to friends, family and, in general, with anyone. Small and large companies use it in their day to day. And it is even common to use it to contact all kinds of professionals. Come on. That It serves everything. And this is literal, according to the functions it incorporates. Did you know what you can scan documents from WhatsApp?
Whether you use WhatsApp for free time and for work, this app, and its business version, have elements that you facilitate daily tasks such as managing paperwork. Without going any further, it is possible to send and receive images and documents through a conversation or group. Which is very useful in your communication with customers or co -workers. But not just that. In addition to photographing paper documents, WhatsApp for iPhone allows you to scan directly, which will save you time if you handle invoices, albaranes, contracts or reports.
In previous articles we saw how easy it is to scan from Apple notes app, convert tons of paper to PDF with specialized applications and, of course, scan documents without installing any app on your iPhone and Android. The next step is Integrate this functionality in WhatsAppan app that you surely use every day. Let’s see how to do it, directly, from your iPhone. And, on Android, with the help of an app of the most recommended.
Scan documents from WhatsApp

From any chat, conversation or WhatsApp group, you have at your disposal a button that serves to share photographs, your location on the map, contacts, do surveys and, in addition, Share files and documents Have you keep on your mobile phone. On iPhone, when you press the + button and choose Documentsyou have three options to choose from. The first two you will know them: Send files and documents or share photos or videos. But we are interested in the third option, more recent. Scan document.
When selecting scan documents from WhatsApp on iPhone, a different version of the app will open Camera focused on that concrete task. It is basically the same version that you will find in the app Archives When you press on the drop -down menu and then play Scan documents.
By default, this scanner integrated in WhatsApp is In automatic mode. Very practical if you need to digitize many sheets or paper documents. If you touch Automaticyou can change to manual mode, and thus take your time to convert invoices and albaranes into images digital In manual, you will have to press the lower button to “photograph” the document. And automatically, when the camera framed the document well, it will draw the image. For the rest, you have two buttons for the scan to get better: activate the Integrated flash light and/or change the configuration of Color filters.
Edit, order and turn PDF

As you photograph, or rather, scanning the documents from WhatsApp, they will accumulate in the button Keep and in miniature preview. When you finish, click Preview to Edit the images. If everything goes well, you won’t have to do anything. Just click on Made. But you can also Cut the edges of scanned images, turn them or erase them. And, up to the right, you can scan from scratch again.
When you finish editing and checking that you have correctly scanned what you wanted, touches on Keep. All the pages that you have scanned, one after another, will be part of a PDF document. So you can save it on your iPhone or Share it From WhatsApp. What is what it is about. Before Press the Send button You can include a message. And check that the contact below is the one who will receive that PDF correctly.

Once you have sent the document in PDF, it will be saved in that WhatsApp conversation. Remember that you can check it whenever you want, forward it to other groups or chatsopen it and Share it in other applications And, finally, by clicking on the display above, you can save a local copy in the app Archives. You can also print it From there or protect the password document if you click on Block PDF.
In short, in a matter of minutes, you can scan documents from WhatsApp, convert them to PDF to facilitate their shipping online and, finally, share them in a chat or WhatsApp group. What will be very helpful both in your day to day and If you work with your mobile phone.
In Android, Files de Google and WhatsApp

At the time of writing these lines, In Android it is not possible Scan documents directly from WhatsApp. Yes you can choose an already scanned document, a photograph or whatever, but whatsapp for Android Does not integrate the scanning function. However, everything is not lost. As we saw in a previous article, the simplest and most effective way of digitize paper with your mobile phone is using the app Google Files. Depending on which mobile device you have in your hands, this application will be installed by default or not. Keep in mind that manufacturers such as Samsung or Xiaomi have its own file administrators. And even Android has an app called Archivesless complete than Files, despite taking the same name.
After installing Google Fileswhen you open it you will see what it is A very complete file administrator. So much that integrates two very practical buttons in the lower right. One to share files between Android devices and, the one that interests us now, A DOCUMENTS SCORE. By pressing it, the phone camera function will open, but focused on photographing paper. By default, it comes in Automatic mode. Which means that when you find a square or rectangular element, you will frame and photograph it. So fast and easy. If you do not like the result, repeat as long as it is needed. And if you don’t feel comfortable with automatic mode, change the manual by clicking on Manualbeside Automatic capture.

In the Previous view You will see all the catches, sheet by sheet. When you select them, you have under a series of tools for Cut the imageeliminate edges, eliminate the image if it is disastrous or apply filters that allow you to read better That document. It will not take long to scan documents, even if you are not on WhatsApp. And, at the end, click on Made and scanned images They will become a PDF.
When you have That PDF in the Google Files appyou just have to send it to WhatsApp. Or, rather, by WhatsApp. To do this, open the PDF document, play the drop -down menu and choose WhatsApp. It will ask you what contact to send it. And finally, you will see a screen in which you can include a comment. Touch in the button Send And the document will be sent to the contact or contacts chosen Through WhatsApp.