New football day, a new weekend in which Spanish Internet users run out of access to their services and web pages; And we do not necessarily talk about Pirate IPTV services to see free football. Although that is the objective of the new blockages initiated by LaLiga, in practice hundreds, possibly thousands of legal services are affected.
LaLig Google Chrome’s greatest security prevented him from blocking traditional effectively; Therefore, he asked the judge to perform dynamic blockages on a series of IP addresses, instead of concrete domains. The result is that this blockade also affects legal services that have the same IP address through platforms such as Cloudflare.
This dynamic block is not always active; In the last four weekends, it has been activated at the time of the start of the most popular match of the day, which yesterday was Real Madrid – Girona of 16:15. Right at that moment, Millions of Spanish users noticed problems in access to Cloudflare and the pages you house; As Downdector demonstrates, it was at that exact time that the incidents related to Cloudflare shot themselves, not finishing until approximately 20:45.
The Cloudflare clientele is very varied, since small personal projects to large key services for the Internet such as developer platform, GitHub. Another service that depends on Cloudflare, and that yesterday suffered problems, is Chatgpt; Indeed, Openai is one of Cloudflare customers, who uses his services against hacker and ddos attacks (denial of service) to maintain access to his AI.
Ironically, this cloudflare agency was what caused access problems to Chatgpt; Spanish users immediately realized that they could not use the chatgpt website, with a message in their browser that simply indicated that “It takes too long to answer”. One of the criticisms that this block has received precisely focuses on the lack of transparency: operators that block Cloudflare do not show any error message, and simply let the browsers fail when no response comes to them after a while.
Access problems to chatgpt and Openai page in Spain
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The Cloudflare counterattack has not been waiting. Last week, the company announced legal actions to annul the sentence that affects “millions of innocent users”, and accused LaLiga of hiding the judge this “foreseeable damage“For its part, the organization led by Javier Tebas directly accused Cloudflare of benefiting and promoting organized crime.
Meanwhile, it is already evident that Cloudflare has initiated measures against blocking its services. Users have realized that, on this occasion, Blocks have lasted less than usualsomething that has been noticed in the amount of reports in Downdector. Apparently, Cloudflare would have started an IP addresses rotation system, which would allow to continue accessing the affected pages and services; In this way, Chatgpt was accessible again for the users of the operators participating in the blockade.
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Speaking of the operators, this weekend another one has joined the LaLiga blocking operation: Masorange. Until now, the main operator who has participated in the blocks to Cloudflare has been Movistar and his O2 subsidiary; Something logical taking into account that Telefónica, as owner of LaLiga’s issuance rights, also participated in the lawsuit obtained by the controversial sentence.
With the passage of time, more operators such as Digi and Vodafone have joined the blockages, and this weekend Masorange joined; as he has revealed Adslzone, Access to Cloudflare from moremovil was “partially degraded” During the celebration of the matches.