This is the new way to get Word, Excel and PowerPoint without having to pay a euro

It doesn’t matter that the name of Microsoft Office has been dead since 2022, users continue to call ‘Office’ to the office suite composed of classic apps such as Word and Excel, which are present in millions of computers around the world. And now, we can get these programs completely free, if we accept some inconveniences.

The ironic thing is that Microsoft itself continues to use the name Office, although technically now called Microsoft 365 as part of the company’s commitment to the cloud; A bet that now takes another important step, although something unnoticed has happened: A free version of Microsoft 365 apps.

Indeed, although Microsoft has not officially announced it, it is possible to download a free version of Microsoft 365 that allows you to use some of the most popular programs No need to pay the subscription of 10 euros per month which is normally necessary. This has been discovered as Beebom and PCWORLDalthough this version seems limited to only a small number of users; A Microsoft representative has affirmed to these media that it is “only a test”, a limited test that for the moment, does not have a global launch.

To get this free version of Microsoft Office, you just have to Download the Microsoft 365 app (previously Office 365) of the official Microsoft page; The executable is available for Windows and Macos. Once downloaded, we execute it and let it download the necessary files, a process that can take time depending on our connection.

Once the installation is finished, we just have to start one of the programs included, such as Microsoft Word. When opening the program, a window will appear that will allow us to log in; Instead of entering our data, we must jump this step by clicking on the button at the bottom of the window. Then, a window will appear that will allow us to choose the type of subscription we want; In addition to the payment subscription, an option “Continue free” will appear.

Free Microsoft 365 version (Office 365)


The free android

This free version of Microsoft 365 does not offer access to the same advantages as the payment version. For a start, It is only possible to use three programs: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Therefore, programs such as Outlook, Microsoft Teams and Onenotes are left out; However, for the vast majority of users these three programs are the main reason for using Office first.

However, these three programs included have their own limitations, and there are some advanced functions that have been deactivated; For example, Word does not allow to use layout functions such as line spacing, edges or page feet. Therefore, it is enough if we want to create basic documents, but it will fall short if we want something more professional.

Another limitation that perhaps matters more is that it is not possible to save files on our computer; You can only save files in the OneDrive cloudand in fact, it is a mandatory option if we want this free version. But without a doubt, the greatest discomfort is the presence of ads in the programs, which is the way in which Microsoft is monetizing this version.

At the moment, only a small number of users has been able to execute this free version of Microsoft 365, with the company clarifying that It has no concrete plans to launch it for everyone. But seeing the success he has had with this ‘secret’ launch, it would be strange if the company ignores the possibility.

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