In Spain The immense majority of Android mobile people. This implies that it is possible to organize the way in which desks are seen in very advanced ways, even being able to use applications to replace all this interface as with apps such as Niagara Launcher.
But to better use our mobile phone, it is not even necessary to download and configure new applications. It is enough to have them organized in some way, the one that best suits each user.
This may seem obvious, but It is very common to find Persoans who do not know where each of the apps that uses daily isthat he has multiple desks although he does not know why or that he directly moves unintentionally apps and believes that he has erased or lost them. To avoid all this it is better to follow these simple steps.
Apps drawer. The majority of mobiles allows you to have an organization of desks in which only the apps we use are, not all. This is how Android has always worked, although lately brands as honor are copying the way of working as Apple, after the opposite movement a few years ago.
Ideally, we have all the apps in a drawer to access when necessary, but they are also the most important on the desk. But it is key that they are only the most important, so that it is easy to locate them.
Empty spaces. Although it is not mandatory to fill in all the spaces in a desk, it is advisable to group the largest number of applications in one so as not to have to be sailing between multiple pages for no reason. Another option is to organize apps depending on whether they are work or leisure, so that it is faster to find them.
Dock of apps. In the lower part we can put up to five applications that will always be there, regardless of the desk in which we are. These should be apps that we use a lot, such as WhatsApp, Telephone or the one that each one considers.
Apps docks
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What makes no sense is to leave applications such as messages if we do not use it, or put that of Gmail when we never send or receive emails. The idea of this section is to have the apps that we use the most so as not to have to look for them constantly.
Widgets Sometimes there are widgets that allow us to use certain functions of an app without having to search and open it. If it is something we constantly use it is worth investing part of the space of a desk for it. Of course, we don’t have to put widgets because yes, because what will do that is to lose space.
Tesla widget with multiple buttons
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Folders A feature that is used, but not always well, are folders. Ideally, group apps by theme, or by frequency of use. And put them in a place based on whether we use them more or less. This is also applicable to apps.
In the lower part we should put the most used, or those that are required to use in hand, such as messaging apps, called or video calls, in case we have to use them at a time when we cannot use both hands. In the upper part we will put the ones that do require using both hands, such as most games, work apps, etc.
Expanded folder
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In this section we can also highlight the folders that are of larger size and include pulsable icons. We saw them in Spain for the first time with honor, but currently including other brands such as Oppo or Samsung. They are very useful because they minimize the space used by the icons, but at the same time they do not have to press twice, one to enter the folder and another to execute the app. Again, the ideal is to use normal apps folders that we do not use daily and expanded folders for apps that we use more, although they are not the most use because those should be in the dock or loose, as we have already said.