The mobile is usually an object that is not shared when using it on a day -to -day basis. It is quite normal lend it to another person To look for information or carry out any other task on the device, but the truth is that sharing it in full is not usually the usual in Spain.
However, there are times when the need pushes this situation. Thanks to Android It is possible that this task does not compromise the privacy of any of the two users and that each one has their own space within the same phone.
It is an extremely interesting option that will separate two totally independent spaces in which users will have the total freedom to do what they want without the other person will find their applications open or your sessions initiated.
The best thing about this is that it is such a sure option that it is even possible to put each device space a screen block with a different fingerprint. Thanks to this, each user can directly launch their space by just putting their mark. That is to say, depending on who puts the fingerprint, The device will unlock a mobile or other section.
Of course, it is a very interesting option to share the mobile without thinking that the other person is gossiping the device, something that should not be done, since it does not favor the privacy of users at all, and Nor is it healthy.
How to configure it
Android has long has a user system that has evolved over the years until he is right now. This is available in settings, where it has its own section next to the user accounts that are registered on the device. In the user section an option called Multiple User can be activated.
This maintains the smartphone as it is, but creating a new user, who will have to register in his Google account and accept the initial mobile configuration, as if it were a new device. This will have a mobile, for all purposes, independent, Although you will use the smartphone sim for calls and Internet connection. Of course, applications are updated in both users at the same time.
Multiple User on Android
It is also possible to create a guest user, which will not be so customizable, but that will offer an independent space quickly. There is an option that even allows the content generated in the guest user to be automatically eliminated when leaving. This makes it ideal for those occasions when only the mobile is going to be given to a person for a while and in a timely manner.
In the same way, there is an option that also allows you to share call history with this user. To change between one user and another, you just have to lower the notification curtain and Play on the user icon to select another.
What advantages it has
Among the main advantages that this mode stands out is that of privacy. Each of the two people who share the mobile will have their own space with their own photos, their own data, their accounts and saved passwords. This is ideal not only by half, but also to mix information that is two different people on the same device, since when the person who does not have a mobile, it can be more complicated to separate their data.
Other advantages that this mode has all as it also allows you to create two totally differentiated spaces for the same user. That is, it would be possible to create a user to use it during work hours, with applications oriented exclusively to the performance of work activity, such as email, word processors and more work apps, without any other type of distraction.
The free android
On the other hand, it would be possible to leave the normal profile for when the work is over and turn to the leisure time, in this profile it would not be necessary to have any work application, since it would not even be in working hours when used, so it would not be necessary to have them in both profiles.
This could even have a certain impact on battery life. When there are two separate spaces with fewer applications each than if both were together, the system loads less applications in the first and in the background, which allows the device to work faster and spend somewhat less battery.