Thus you can thoroughly customize the notifications and direct accesses of Samsung in the new One UI 7 interface

One of the greatest novelties of the new Samsung Galaxy S25 series is not linked to any of the hardware characteristics in which buyers usually set when acquiring a new mobile. In Spain Samsung sells a lot and, in part, is because People are accustomed to the operation of these mobiles.

But the company’s high -end models arrive with a new version of the brand’s interface, One UI 7, which has many more changes than it used to bring on other occasions. We will have better animations, new icons and more functions, but also A complete redesign of the notifications and shortcuts.

This section, so characteristic in Android, is the one that gives us action to both apps notifications and plane mode, wifi connectivad, etc. In One UI 7 this section has been completely redesigned to resemble it more than that of the iPhone, and also allows greater customization.

To start, by default This new section will be divided into two columnsone that opens if we slide the finger from the left side and another that opens if we do it from the right side, always from the top of the screen. The first will open the list of applications notifications and the second direct accesses, multimedia control, etc.

This way of showing these elements is what has for years brands such as Huawei and Honor. It is also used by companies such as Xiaomi, although in this case they give the option to use the old form, with everything on the same screen. Samsung also allows this, with A button located at the top of the direct access zonewith the shape of a pencil.

Direct accesses in one UI 7

Direct accesses in one UI 7

The free android

If pulsamo in it will open an edition menu that will allow us Opt between the double -column or combined column notification zonewhich is how Android has been shown since its inception. We just have to click on Panel settings and select the option Together. In addition, if we want to leave it as separate, we can make the order of the two columns change, by pressing the quick panel option on the left side.

Next to that option there is another that allows us to change the Oorden of the elements of the direct access panel. Let’s Press in the pencil And, again, select Panel settings. Then we can move the different modules, and change the order of the circular direct accesses of the upper part.

Blocks in notifications in One UI 7

Blocks in notifications in One UI 7

The free android

We can move elements that we never use, and put in the upper part what we do normally use, so that they are more at your fingertips when sliding this panel. We just have to hold on them and drag them. Which We cannot do, for now, it is to eliminate elements of the block interface. We can only hide the shortcuts of the direct access section, such as Bluetooth, Wifi and the like, if we do not use them.

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