The simple action that I do in Google photos so that in my photographs they go up with the highest quality

Mobile cameras have reached a level in which many people do not even have or think about buying a camera to use. With having a mobile with a good photographic section it is more than enough to take great photographs when we are traveling or on a day -to -day basis.

Something that has changed is the way users keep their photographs. While before it was normal to use an SD card or a USB type C cable to pass the photographs to the computer, it is a more uncomfortable process of the account. Applications such as Google Photos are a perfect alternative for not having to do this, and the truth is that the backup is carried out is The best that can be found in Android.

The application has a large number of options, such as the possibility of creating shared albums, as well as automatically grouping similar photographs. However, there are some occasions in which the application can be configured in a way that makes the photographs do not go to the maximum resolution.

Google photos at maximum resolution

The first thing to keep in mind is that Google Photos, just as it happens on other platforms of the company, uses the storage of the Google account to work. As soon as you create the account, All users have access to 15 GB totally freealthough this can be increased by paying a subscription to the company, something that is not ideal for many people who want to save themselves to have to pay for a subscription.

This means that the resolution of the backup is increased, each photograph occupies more and this storage is filled before. It is something that should only be done in case there is a lot of space or if it is usually released every little time.

Google photos backup photos

Google photos backup photos

Google offers to upload photographs in high resolution or in space savings mode, and many users prefer this last option and then be able to edit photography on the computer and keep the greatest amount of detail. To activate the backup at maximum resolution, you just have to go to the application and open its settings section by clicking on profile photography.

Once this is done, you will have to access the backup settings Select the copy quality that each user wants, always taking into account that at a time of quality it also entails an increase in the space that each image occupies and that this can cause the storage to run out before.

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