Android Auto’s new error that prevents a normal operation of podcast and music apps in the car

The latest actions carried out by Google in Android Auto They are related, one with the next integration of Gemini Live in the experience of driving a car and another, with the resolution of a problem that caused the anger of many drivers weeks ago. Now an annoying bug has appeared that is generating the failure of some apps when the music is reproduced.

We will not tire of remembering the importance of everything in Android Auto goes like silk to disturb the driver and thus avoid its possible distraction when it must be fixed to the road when it drives. An app as special as this should be spoiled in this regard, but returns to the load now with another error.

After the error of the restart of the mobiles that also caused the general anger of many users, another error that has to do with the use of a series of apps in which do Scrolling It is almost an impossible task.

The first reports about this Android Auto rul apps like Amazon Music, BBC Sounds, Soundcloud and others.

That is, in most apps dedicated to music playback and Podcasts is emerging this problem that prevents the user from moving down the interface. What the bug does is that the user’s playback or playlist can be explored.

From the first reports, a growing number of users who have taken a thread in the Google support forums To show the failure they are suffering in Android Auto. In fact, a developer shared the failure in a small video in which you can see the Erratic movement of the pointer to show the tactile touches on the screen.

At least, according to Android Authority, The bug is not happening randomly And he reproduces whenever the user is doing scrolling while playing music in his car, so it has to do with some function related to audio reproduction. And at least, Android Auto has responded to the thread, so they are aware of the problem.

Now it only remains Wait for a new update that solves this ruling and another that will integrate the controls of the car air conditioner through Android Auto, although it is unknown how this novelty will work that will open the range of functionalities of the Google app for cars.

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