NVIDIA launches an app to replace the old Control Panel

NVIDIA has launched an app that seeks to consolidate its applications most popular. After a few months in the testing phase, the manufacturer announced the launch of its first version. The new app replaces GeForce Experience and integrates some functions of the Control Panel, such as the possibility of applying certain graphic characteristics in each compatible game or software.

The company posted an update on his blog in which he announces the launch of the first version of the app. According to the manufacturer, the application offers a unified control center for the GPU which allows you to adjust the settings of games, programs or drivers, as well as the possibility of installing other NVIDIA applications. A redesigned overlay interface is also integrated with shortcuts to streaming, game recording or performance monitoring functions.

In practical terms, the NVIDIA app is a GeForce Experience on steroids. The manufacturer has redesigned the user interface to make room for advanced configuration features that we only find in the Control Panel. There is a sidebar with shortcuts to the driver download, graphics options and an overclock function in which we can choose an automatic adjustment or manually modify the maximum limits of voltage, temperature, energy consumption and more.

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NVIDIA seeks to simplify configuration options so that any user can improve gaming performance. The app has found a middle ground between the one-click optimizations of the GeForce Experience and the advanced menus with Windows XP aesthetics offered by the Control Panel. The result is a bar that automatically adjusts values ​​in favor of performance or visual quality, which is accompanied by a list of graphic characteristics.

The NVIDIA app is not ready to replace the old Control Panel

According to the manufacturer, the NVIDIA application installs in half the time than the GeForce Experience and is 50% more responsive. Although the app includes the most relevant functions of the GPU, it still support for multiple monitors, surround and more needs to be integrated. Because of this, NVIDIA is not ready to get rid of the old Control Panel and will keep the downloads.

Overclocking features in the Nvidia AppOverclocking features in the Nvidia App

An interesting point about the app is that no longer requires you to log inlike the GeForce Experience. If you have an NVIDIA account you can do this and unlock some special offers. There is a dedicated category in the side menu where we can redeem codes or access promotions. In the beta, this option was semi-deserted, since all offers usually launch in the US and other countries.

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