Word fixes the bug that deleted your files when saving them

This week the existence of a bug was discovered words that deleted your documents by saving them locally on your computer, which fortunately has now been fixed by Microsoft. The annoying bug caused files to disappear when trying to save the changes made.

It is worth remembering that the problem impacted version 2409 of the Word desktop client and that it occurred when certain conditions were met. Specifically, the problem appeared in all the documents DOCX and RTF when the file extension was in upper case (.DOCX and .RTF, respectively).

The same was true if the file being edited had the pound symbol (#) in the title. One point to keep in mind is that the bug in question did not manifest itself when saving the editing progress from the Save button, but rather when saving the changes from the warning message that appeared when closing Microsoft Word.

User complaints soon reached Microsoft, which got to work to offer a solution. This way, those who depend on the historic text editor daily can now rest assured that their work will not end up in the trash. Even so, it is still a good idea to make sure that no further changes have been applied to the document before closing the Word window.

According to Microsoft on their support websitethis Word bug has been fixed through a service change that is now available on all computers with version 2409 of the desktop client. If the problem persists, the company recommends close all applications that are part of the Office suite and start the text editor again.

Microsoft solves the most recent Word bug

Microsoft solves the most recent Word bug
Photo of Ed Hardie in Unsplash

It is worth noting that, although the bug deleted Word documents when saving them, it did not do so permanently. Recovering them was really simple, since you only had to restore them from the Recycle Bin. In any case, many users have suffered a great scare when they saw that the files disappeared from the Windows desktop or from the folder where they were saved.

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