Chrome will alert you when a tab consumes more memory

Google has released an update for Chrome which promises to put an end to performance problems when browsing the web. The most recent version includes a tool capable of detecting when there is excessive memory consumption. This feature will prevent the browser from freezing and you being forced to finish the process to restore it.

The technology giant posted an update on their official blog which details the settings. The desktop version of Chrome debuts a performance alerts tool that identifies problems and offers you a solution. In case a tab hangs or you need extra performance, the detector may suggest that you pause other tabs to recover memory.

Performance alerts are displayed via an icon in the toolbar. By clicking it, the user views the problem and a recommended solution. The advantage of this function is that does not require closing individual tabs or installing additional extensions to pause them. Likewise, it only activates when an incident occurs and offers to resolve it with the push of a button.

The tool is especially useful when watching YouTube videos with dozens of tabs open. If you have ever had your browser freeze due to lack of resources, the performance alert will identify those that are eating up memory without you realizing it and will pause them.

Chrome debuts new ways to save memory

Along with the new tool, Chrome debuts new default modes for the function Memory saving. When active, this feature automatically pauses tabs you’re not using to free up memory. The update includes the modalities Moderate, Balanced and Maximumwhich differ in the time they take to disable background tabs.

According to Google, Balanced mode take into account your browsing habits and the needs of the systemwhile Moderate mode disables tabs based on the needs of your computer. Finally, Maximum mode is recommended for those who open many tabs in a window and need to recover resources faster.

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