Smartphones are increasingly more screens and does not seem that this trend will change. The average user, both in Spain and in other markets, uses the phone above any other device, be it the TV, computer or tablet. That makes you want a screen of a certain size.
The problem with these screens is that, sometimes, They force users to be used with two handsgiven their size. Obviously it is not the same to have a big hand as small, but even in the first case this is complicated to do in most current mobiles.
To solve this problem, applications have been created that allow us to control the mobile to one hand, such as Quick Cursor, an app that what he does is create a control pad at the bottom of the screen with which we can reach the superior without having to stretch our finger.
This application can download free from the Google Play storealthough has some payment functions for which you have to buy the Pro version. This costs 5.99 euros in a single payment, although it has an annual subscription version of 2.49 euros, with a free 30 -day test.
The operation is simple and, after installing it, we will only have to give the necessary permitsso that you can run on the mobile apps, as can be seen in the video of this article. If we slide from the bottom a circle -shaped cursor that will leave a red trail in its path. Moving the thumb in the lower area of the screen we can move it in the upper area, and interact with it.
Quick cursor
Although the application is usable in its free version, in order to thorough The single payment version price is acceptable If after a few days we have managed to custom to this form of handling.
It can also be installed in other devices, such as tablets, but in that case it is somewhat more strange because we will also need the two hands to hold it in most occasions. However, once bought we can install it in all the devices we want whenever we have the account of the configured purchase, as happens with all the Google Play Store apps.