Four ways to improve the speed and stability of your home Internet connection

The changes in Spanish society that we have seen in recent decades have been enormous. Since the entry of democracy, the country has changed for multiple reasons, from the economic evolution of the change of regime to the change that the Internet has brought aboutsomething that has been seen in most developed and expanding countries. Of course, in Spain we have not yet reached economic convergence with the rest of Europe.

That’s why having a connection at home has been established as a first-level necessityso much so that it has even led to the question of whether it would have to be free to avoid creating technological gaps between the different levels of society. Both leisure and work have been brutally affected by the outbreak first from computers with Internet connection and then from smartphones.

This has made the need to have a good Internet network at home, with cable or wireless connectivity, something necessary for practically any citizen. Currently, in addition We don’t just have a computer and a couple of connected cell phones.but in many homes home automation has multiplied the devices linked to the network, from cameras and sensors to televisions, speakers, screens or vacuum cleaners.

Although operator networks are becoming faster, especially since the expansion of fiber optic networks, routers have not been able to solve one of the biggest drawbacks of wireless connection: coverage inside homes. That is why there are many people who need to improve the quality of the connection in certain rooms.

To do this, it is possible to do it through a physical installation that involves work in the home, something that most do not want, or opt for other simpler but also effective solutions. Some use wiring, but one that is already in our homes. Others choose to improve the wireless signal with other devices.


The first option has been with us for several years and has been one of the most used as it does not involve works, not even the use of additional cables. The PLC (Power Line Communication) They are devices that are plugged in throughout the area in which we want to improve Internet coverage and they do so with a technology that allows transmit data over existing power lines. That is, it uses the electrical installation of our house to send information, as if they were network cables.

This is possible because PLC technology superimposes a high-frequency signal on top of the low-frequency (50 or 60 Hz) electrical signal normally used for power. This high frequency signal is what can transport data. In the case of PLCs for domestic use We will have to opt for broadband ones (Broadband PLC), as they offer much higher data speedsallowing applications such as high-speed internet access, video streaming or home automation.


One of its main disadvantages is that Signal quality may be affected by electrical noise present in the networkand the transmission speed may vary depending on the quality of the power grid and the distance. Additionally, we will need to take security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the data network. The price of two devices to bring cable Internet to a room is about 50 euros.

Mesh Networks

A more current alternative to PLCs are mesh routers, the so-called Mesh networks. They are the evolution of conventional routersbecause they work in a similar way but instead of having a single anchor point there are several. Of course, its cost is high if purchased in a pack, which is usually what is necessary for large houses, around 300 euros.

These interconnected devices are called nodes or satellites, and They all share the same WiFi network with the same name, the famous SSID, and the same password. This is one of the main differences with other options that we will see later. Having the same network makes it easier to use different devices, especially when they must be on the same WiFi to communicate, for example.

In every mesh network there is a main node that is the one that connects to the operator’s router, or is the one that replaces it, depending on how we have configured it. The other nodes are placed around the house in the most suitable areas.expanding WiFi coverage. These nodes communicate with each other wirelessly, creating a mesh that distributes the signal.

eero Pro 6 on a desktop

eero Pro 6 on a desktop

Manuel Fernandez


A key aspect is that, as we move around the house, The smartphone automatically connects to the node that offers the best signal at all timesusually, the one that is physically closest. If we move around the house, the connection changes from one node to another without us realizing it, without cuts or interruptions.

Among its advantages, stability stands outsince if one node fails the rest continue operating. In addition, it can be expanded little by little if we see that the connection is getting worse, or if we move and need to reuse the system but expand it. But the most convenient thing is that you don’t have to create several different networks with similar names, there is only one Wifi.

WiFi repeater

A widely used option due to its simple handling and installation is the WiFi repeater. As its name indicates, what this device does is capture the signal from the WiFi network of the router that we have connected to the Internet and enhance it. But it does creating a new network.

This is one of the main differences with mesh networks. When creating a second network, usually with the same name as the main one adding a suffix, need to switch manually sometimes if we detect that the main network does not provide sufficient speed or stability.

WiFi Router

WiFi Router

The Free Android

In its favor it has the cost since They are much cheaper than mesh systems. Its price is about 20 euros. In addition, there are models like those from Xiaomi that are controlled from their home automation application and facilitate integration with the brand’s devices. Several different ones can also be used to extend coverage, but each one will generate a new WiFi.

Antenna wiring

The last option involves using cables in the home. However, we are not talking about throwing new cables through the rooms, but about use wiring that we often have installed but that we often do not use: the coaxial cable.

Scheme of using coaxial cable to carry data

Scheme of using coaxial cable to carry data

The Free Android

This cable is what is commonly known as antenna cableand it is what allows you to put televisions in the different rooms of a house. Using devices we can use this wiring to transmit data, giving us cable coverage in the rooms where there is this type of wiring.

The greatest advantage of using this solution is that it does not cause coverage problems when going by cable, although We will need to use the Ethernet connectors on devices such as computers, televisions... and we can even use them on mobile phones, although it is not normal. This option is usually left as a last alternative because it has the same cost as mesh networks, about 250 eurosand even something else, and it is not so versatile.

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