By now, it’s clear that Google is tripping over itself with Android Auto; Without a doubt, this is the company’s app that has been updated the most with at least two major releases every month for the last two years. An update policy that is giving results, although not all of them are positive.
Although it is true that thanks to these constant updates, Android Auto has received many improvements and new functions in recent months, it is no less true that It has also received many ‘bugs’ and problems that it did not have before.. And users are beginning to realize it, filling the official Google forums with messages with criticism and bug reports.
We have a good example in the Android Auto sound problems. For weeks now, users have been reporting cuts during playback from apps like Spotify or YouTube on Android Auto. The most frustrating thing is that there seems to be no apparent reason for these failures, since the connection is stable and other apps work correctly; However, some users have also reported that sound cuts also occur during calls, indicating that this is a deeper fault.
Be that as it may, Google has finally responded to these users; a Android Auto team member has used the official forums to thank you for the reports, and inform that the solution has already been implemented. And the best thing is that all the user has to do is update their device.
Specifically, It is recommended to update to Android Auto 13.2 to solve the sound problem. This is something that may seem surprising to readers, since that version of Android Auto was released last November; However, according to the Google employee, the solution to the ‘bug’ is already present from that version onwards. Of course, if we already have version 13.3 installed, released at the end of November, in theory we should already have the patch installed.
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We say ‘in theory’, because many users have responded to the employee’s message negatively, stating that they already have version 13.2 of Android Auto installed and that they continue to suffer the same problems.
Therefore, it is perfectly possible that we are dealing with two different ‘bugs’, and that Google has solved only one; Or it is also possible that the employee was confused, and was referring to the new version of the app, 13.4, which is expected to be released later this year. In short, It is advisable to update our device and install the latest update available for Android Auto on our system.