How to save an image in PDF using Google Photos and without installing any other app

In recent decades we have seen how the way sharing information has changed radically. We not only talk about how communication has changed due to tools like WhatsApp, but much more. We have gone from having to show printed photos to doing so on the mobile screen, from having to certify documents to sending them by email and from having to physically go to an office to complete procedures online.

This has made some file types very popular, such as PDFs, which have become de facto in the generic documents standardbeing able to store both images and text, without fear that the recipient will not be able to open them. That’s why they are used in so many places.

So much so that sometimes, when we have to send a document to an administration or we have to send it using a form, we are required to have it in PDF. Sometimes they allow us to send a JPG, but not always. If that is the case, If we do not have the file in that extension, we will have to convert it.

To do this we can use Google Photos, an application designed as a photo gallery that, however, many use in their workplace to scan documents, store receipts, organize invoices using photographsetc. This is not the most common use of the application, but it is not something very rare either.

To be able to convert any image from the application to a PDF file, we are going to use the tool impression. This option integrated into Android allows us to print directly to a printer that we have configured, but also will allow us to print a file in a PDF, being able to share that result later. This way we avoid having to download and configure another application.

Printing a PDF from Google Photos

Printing a PDF from Google Photos

The Free Android

For this, what we have to do is open the image in question and swipe up on the screen to display the options menu of it. There we look for the option Print and click on the icon. When the print window appears in turquoise, select at the top Save as PDFand then click on the orange button. Now we will only have to decide where we want to save the file.

If we want we can use the different parameters of the tool to modify the PDF output size. This function is integrated into Android, it is not exclusive to Google Photos, but it can be used very easily from this application.

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