I have become addicted to this artificial intelligence function of the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra after taking more than 500 photos

Samsung’s commitment to its Samsung Galaxy S25 series has been quite conservative in hardware, with a clear commitment to software. In this section it stands out One UI 7 on the one hand and Galaxy AI on the other. This functions suite is what Samsung created in 2024 and is available in Spain to integrate all artificial intelligence news that would include in their mobiles.

The integration of artificial intelligence in all types of devices and services is being a constant since 2022, but it seems that, unlike other technologies such as augmented reality or metachos, this time it will continue to advance strongly. And Samsung is one of the companies that is best betting on it.

As we have seen on other occasions, You might think that the integration of AI in mobile phones only obeys the intention of companies to create expectations about their new productSy make them sell more, or more expensive. This would not provide any tangible benefit to its users, but to companies.

However, sometimes yes that functions are implemented that are very useful. In recent days I have made a trip to Istanbul where I have been using a Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra as the only device. With him I have done hundreds of photos, dozens of videos and used many artificial intelligence functions, both from Google, and Gemini, and Samsung, for example those related to translation.

But there is a function that is not only the one that I have used most, but also the one that has most caught the attention of the people with whom I was traveling. This is the edition of images with AI to erase elements. This is not something new or exclusive to Samsung, but it is in this brand where we see the best version of this tool.

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Álvarez del Vayo

The free android

Both Google and Apple, for example, have services that do this task, but The way in which the Samsung gallery is done is much bettereven scareing. Of course, it is not perfect, as we will see later.

This tool is integrated into the Samsung gallery applicationof which we have spoken on numerous occasions because it is becoming one of those apps that you value when you have a mobile and that you miss when you cannot use it. Within the app itself there is a function that allows you to eliminate, move or erase objects.

Original Image (Izda): Image edited with ia (Dcha) Álvarez del Vayo El Android Libre

Original Image (Izda): Image edited with ia (Dcha) Álvarez del Vayo El Android Libre

Álvarez del Vayo

The free android

When opening the image inside the Debemroe gallery, the central icon, with the three stars, which is the Galaxy AI icon. Once there We only have to surround the elements that we want to erase from an image. In the superior example we have selected all people and the horizontal red ribbon. As can be seen in the image generated by AI, there seems to be no one on the stairs. In the new S25 the process is very fast, partly by its processor, but it can be used in other brand models.

Obviously, this It doesn’t always work perfectly, although I usually do it. In the following image, for example, we see how it has managed to remove people, but also the car that bothered. However, in the process he has created a door in the lower right that is not like in reality.

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Álvarez del Vayo

The free android

The door that has invented is a meter high, when what happened in reality is that it was a door to which three steps arranged on the sidewalk were accessed. That cannot deduce it and Create a false image. With all that, the image on the right seems real.

Well, or it would seem if it weren’t because Samsung includes a watermark in all images in which it makes it clear that it is an image that has been created or modified using AI. This is something that seems Baladí but that will increasingly charge a greater importance given the level of realism that is achieved.

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Álvarez del Vayo

The free android

However, this It is a tool that I have used a lot on the trip and that I will continue to use in places where the influx of people is excessiveallowing to save images that are not invented, but would only be possible at a time when there was no one (something impossible), or causing dozens of people to stop to allow me to take a picture (something unfeasible).

But not all examples are so extreme. In the superior we see how it has only been used to eliminate a person who had very strident clothes from an image. That made the eyes go to her instead of the mosque. In fact, people in the background have not been eliminated, because they do not bother the image even if they appear.

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Original Image (left): Image edited with ia (Dcha)

Álvarez del Vayo

The free android

The Samsung gallery also has many other AI functions, such as the one that allows edit the sound tracks of videos To remove noise. We can also include elements in an image, simply drawing an outline of them, to improve the shot. The latter is what we have done in the superior image, where the woman looks at the cat that, however, does not go well.

It is possible to edit the image to eliminate the cat and then draw another one that comes out in a similar way. However, here we enter more in the field of modification and not so much of edition since The second cat is not that he was not there at the time of taking the photo, it is not even.

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