Learn by playing Duolingo style with these mobile apps

We all like Learn something neweither a language, a physical skill or a specialized knowledge or general culture. But We like to study To learn. Moreover. As you turn years, your capabilities to Absorb knowledge They are diminished, so you need to put more than your part in the Learning process. So as long as we cannot incorporate wisdom into our brain dragging and releasing a file on our computer or mobile phone, all help is welcome. And although Learn by playing It is not 100% effective, the applications that combine the game with learning.

A few years ago the term became popular gamification. And is still used in the field of coaching and companies. In Spanish, we have adopted it as gamification or ludification. And as his name says, it consists of Apply concepts, rules and elements of the game to the practice of learning. Learn by playing. A theory that, well used, can give good results. In children, youth and adults. On the other hand, your misuse can also end badly. Like everything, The fault is not of the toolbut who must teach to use.

If we talk about Learn by playingthe most popular app in this field is Duolingo. The application of the green owl. Lately known for the heaviness and insistence of its notifications so that you use it every day, its operation is very entertaining: Learn languages With repetitive games. Small activities of a few minutes that serve to reinforce ideas, words and concepts. If you are wrong, Duolingo will adapt the following games So you don’t make mistake again. Something that can be too repetitive. But that, after all, it usually works.

But there are more applications of this style. Virtually all apps to learn languages ​​have incorporated this strategy. And the same goes for applications dedicated to teaching programming or mathematics. The strategy is the same: Learn little pills of knowledge and reinforce it with constant exercises or games. Let’s look at several examples so you can learn by playing from mathematics to program, computing, economics, physics and chemistry, biology, data analysis or artificial intelligence.

Khan Academy

Learn by playing with Khan Academy

If you don’t know Khan Academyit’s about An application for small and old designed to teach matters such as Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Economics and Finance, Computing, History And something else. Behind this project there is a non -profit organization founded in 2008 by Salman Khan and with more than 150 people dedicated to maintaining the app and to promote educational activities.

In the beginning, the application showed Videos explaining concepts and ideas. So seeing all the videos, you could learn the exposed topics. In addition, it included practical exercises. At present, it remains so, but the component of the game has won more prominence. The app Promote games and activities. Learn by playing. And I give us with stickers and achievementsas in a video game.

How can you check if testing Khan Academyyou will have to sign up for one or more subjects. In some cases, you will have to indicate your level of knowledge. It is organized by the American education system, so that you can choose between preschool, eight degrees, from first to eighth, pre -university and university. Come on, that the app serves so much For children and young people as for adults who want to learn from zero or remember what they learned long ago.


Learn by playing with FreecodecampLearn by playing with Freecodecamp

We said before the duolingo style has spread, in addition to language teaching, to the programming learning. If you want to be a programmer and learn code in languages ​​such as JavaScript, Python, C#, PHP or Swift, there are many apps of this type. One of the most popular and recommended is FreeCODECAMP. Behind there is an organization funded by donations. So The knowledge it offers is free. From the web or from its apps for iPhone, iPad and Android.

To learn offers a Amalgam of courses, tutorials, challenges, activities, codes and example problems and various games. So that you do not fall into the routine or how boring it is to read pages and pages of theory. The idea is to go to the point and that you can learn by playing, in entertaining and adapted to the time you can dedicate. In a break of work or in your free time at home.

In FreeCODECAMP You will find all kinds of courses. Introductory, practical, advanced … there are a bit, so you can start from scratch or expand what you already know. And also for focus on languages that you do not know. And since everything is focused on practice, At all times you will see code fragments and exercises To apply what has been learned.


Learn by playing with ExercismLearn by playing with Exercism

If the previous app is choking or looking for something even more practical, EXERCISM It is your application. Its purpose is that You learn to program in 76 languages of different programming. Python, JavaScript, Java, C ++, Go, C#, Ruby, PHP … and the best way to do it is with examples. Or, rather, practical exercises. With almost 7,000 code exercisesthe application will help you to apply what you have learned in books, guides or courses.

The idea is solve problems And that other users, with more knowledge, correct you. Thus you can learn from scratch and, later, correct othersas you learn more and more. Available in web version, EXERCISM offers more didactic resources To learn by playing or solving practical problems. Has Explanatory videosyour own forum, a Discord server to speak with other members of this community, etc.

Math Solver

Math Solver is a mathematics platform with theory and practice for all agesMath Solver is a mathematics platform with theory and practice for all ages

Sometimes, Microsoft creates large products, but does not know how to give them enough visibility. This is the case of Math Solver. Currently, it is available in web format. And although in the past it also had on app for iPhone, iPad and Android, its website works on any screen. On its platform, it offers everything you need to Learn mathematics Playing with exercises and activities. In the same space you have the theoryorganized by topics, Examples and exercises practical

So, be the age you are, in Math Solver You will find an ally for Learn or reinforce knowledge On algebra, trigonometry, calculation, statistics and matrices. You can start from scratch or navigate for each topic and refresh what has been learned. The explanations go directly to the grain, with an example as a base. And they are accompanied by Explanatory Videosrelated exercises and links to concepts to search on the web. Even link to other pages exercises to continue practicing.


Brilliant teaches you science, technology, engineering and mathematics with interactive activitiesBrilliant teaches you science, technology, engineering and mathematics with interactive activities

We continue with mathematics, although Brilliant covers other areas of knowledge such as Data analysiscomputer science and programming, artificial intelligence and scientific concepts such as Quantum mechanicsclassical mechanics, scientific thinking, electricity and magnetism. In short, knowledge associated with what is called Stem, acronym that, translated, integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

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