When a brand presents a new mobile and puts it on sale it usually offers some launch discount, or a promotion in which it gives an accessory, increases the base memory of the device or offer services that are normally paying for free. This is what Samsung has done in Spain with the three new Galaxy S25.
The company has announced that in its launch of preserving the price of the models with more memory will be the same as the one that the base models have, so, de facto, consumers will win. But it has also confirmed a collaboration with Google that had already leaked.
Buyers of the Samsung Galaxy S25 series will have for free for six months access to Gemini Advanced, the most powerful version of Google’s artificial intelligence. But not only that is the advantage, since what Google will do is activate the most expensive payment version of Google One during that time, something that will not even in its next pixel 9a.
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This will allow users of the new Samsung models is to have all the advantages of a rate that costs 21.99 euros a month for half a year, which implies A savings of 131.94 euros. But even in the event that we would not hire that rate, we can save if we have another rate already paid, since Google will reimburse the remaining equivalent amount that we will not use. That is, if we pay 19.99 for one year of the Google One rate with 100 GB and now we activate the promotion in the middle of that period, Google will return half of what we pay, since we have only used the rate six months .
This Google One rate includes, in addition to Access to Gemini Advanced, 2 TB of cloud storage for Google Drive, Gmail or Google Photos. We will also have access to Gemini in Gmail or Google Driveas well as Improvements in Google Photos, Google Calle and Google Meettogether with a 10% discount on the purchases we make at the Google Storethe company’s hardware store.
Gemini in a Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
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To activate this promotion when we have a Galaxy S25 what we have to do is open the gemini application and click on the avatar of the upper right corner, opening the APP settings. There will appear the text Try Gemini Advanced And we must click on him. Press in Start test In the next window and we will have 6 months of Google One 2 TB.
If we do not cancel before that period, we will be charged 21.99 euros per month. Nevertheless, We can cancel when we wanteven directly after using the promotion, and still enjoy those six months. On the other hand, Google tells us that it will send us an email a week before they turn for those six months in case we want to unsubscribe the rate and move on to a cheaper one.
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To this we have to add another Samsung promotion that not only applies to the Galaxy S25 but to more models. Until April 1, 2025 we can activate three months of free premium youtube, which includes YouTube Music. It must be activated from the mobile itself as They indicate on Samsung’s website.