The 6 ways to fix it on your Android mobile in a simple way

Smartphones are part of our daily life in Spain For two decades. Even before the iPhone was a mass consumption device like Nokia or Siemens created intelligent hand devices. However, there was something that Apple’s mobile changed, although not in its first generation.

The iPhone popularized the idea of ​​applicationswhich are not very different from the computer programs that were already used on computers, but simplified them, from their purchase and download to their use. That caused them to popularize, to which it helped Google use the same Android strategy.

Before there were already apps stores for PDAs and smartphones, but Its use was complicated enough so that the vast majority of users nor would it be able to use them. However, with the landing of iOS and Android the use of apps shot incredibly.

Suddenly, all Companies of a certain size, in relation to the public, had to have an app: Banks, Gimansios, Supermarkets … Of course, large companies wanted their online services to be used on the mobile. A good example was Facebook, which was born on the web and that, after not a few problems and failures, made the jump to the mobile.

Google was so clear about this reality that Android bought to position its mobility servicesservices that were already used successfully in computers and laptops. But the growth of apps use went much further. There are currently few things that we cannot do from an app: work, entertain ourselves, watch cinema, link, buy, train …

Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+

Samsung Galaxy S25 and S25+

Álvarez del Vayo

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That is why Their operation is criticalespecially in certain apps that, for example, allow us to sign at work, or send money. They are actions that cannot be postponed in most occasions. And if an app does not work, we better know how to fix it. For this we can do several things.

Restart. The first thing we have to do if an application does not work is to restart the mobile. Many users never turn off or restart their mobile, and the memory of the operating system can suffer for it. Turn it off and turn it on can reset certain parts of the code causing the application that failed to do well.

This also applies to when we have a device connected by Bluetooth to the mobile and, from whatever, it does not appear connected, although the app says that everything is fine. Restart the device itself and the mobile is usually necessary. To restart a mobile you simply have the power button and select the corresponding screen button.

Delete cache. The second action we can try to solve certain connection or apps use problems is to erase the cache. This is the memory that is temporarily engraved on the device and that makes the app work more quickly.

Cache erasure menu

Cache erasure menu

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However, sometimes it can cause problems and it is best to delete it and force the application to download that information again. For them we have to go to the adjustments, then to the application section and then to the app in question. We can also enter this section from the multitasking, leaving the app icon and selecting info of the app.

In the lower part of the application settings will appear the buttons Delete cache and delete data. It is important to press the first, but not the second. If we do the latter we will be deleting the user and the login password in addition to other data, and we must put them again to nickname with the application.

APP battery management

APP battery management

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Battery savings. Many mobiles, not only the Chinese, usually have very aggressive battery management systems, which erase the apps in the background, or freeze them, to save energy. That makes some applications work well, especially in relation to applications.

To solve it we must go to the battery management menu, in the settings, and there select the apps that we do not want to follow the energy saving criteria. Sometimes there is also another menu in the information section of each app, which is the same in which we have seen that the cache can be erased.

Keep an app open

Keep an app open

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Keep in the background. Another function that many people do not know is to force Andorid to always be available in the background, even if it spends some more battery. This causes the system not to cancel notifications, synchronize at good speed, etc.

To activate this option in an app we have to open it, then open the multitasking, click on the icon and select the option to keep open. Depending on the brand this can be in one way or another, but in general the process is the same in all manufacturers, although perhaps with a slightly different text.

Reinstall. In the event that none of these actions has the penultimate option is to reinstall the application. For this we go to the Google Play Store, we look for it and uninstall. The appropriate, just in case, is to restart the mobile, and then install it.

Format. The nuclear option is the one that implies formatting the mobile, in the event that we do not do it for a long time, that there are several apps that do not work well and that cannot be solved otherwise. However, before this we should verify that we have the updated mobile to the latest available version, including security patches, and that the app version is compatible with our device.

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