Than Google applications They come installed as standard on Android mobiles makes them a lot in countries like Spain. The best known are Gmail or Google photos, but there are also others that are used by default even if we do not realize.
One of them is the Calendar, an application that has as its greatest advantage its perfect integration with other servicessuch as Google’s email, Google Meet’s video calls or the creation of events through the Google assistant if we do it from smart speakers or Gemini if we do it from the smartphone.
This application allows us to create events and tasks, which can then be consulted in the app itself or in the tasks application. For now, because we already know that Google is to change and modify the behavior of its apps.
But in addition to being able to create these events in different ways, either with voice commands or writing what we want in the app itself, there is a way to customize each event. The Google calendar allows you to modify the color of each event separatelyin addition to allowing several calendars with different colors each.
For example, We can have a green and a personal blue work calendar. In that way, we can know if an event belongs to one category or another simply by view. In addition, each of the tickets can have a different color. This allows us, for example, to use the red color for very important appointments, regardless of the calendar in which it is.
Calendar settings
The free android
To change the color of a calendar what we have to do is Open the applicationdisplay the lateral menu and go to the Settings There we enter the Calendar we want to edit and then We click on color, That is the first option. There we can choose between a somewhat short, but enough variety.
To change the color of a specific event what we have to do is click on the event itself and click on the edit button of the upper right corner. Once we are editing we go down, until we find the Color change option. Press on top and select the one we want. Then we keep the changes.
Changing the color of an event
The free android
As you can see, it is a very visual way to edit the different elements that we have in the calendar, and allows us to identify the different types depending on our own color code. In addition, in some Google events it includes an image, which represents the event, such as a dryer and a comb if the event is to go to the hairdresser or a toothbrush and pasta if we have to go to the dentist. Unfortunately, these illustrations cannot select them and appear automatically.