The simple app that allows you to share any application installed on your mobile

For a long time Android has differentiated from iOS and other mobile operating systems because of how permissive it was with the installation of applications from sources other than applications of application stores. This has allowed the creation of many apps that did not meet Google’s requirements be used in a simple way. And we are not talking about pirate or dangerous apps, simply of apps that in Spain for example had no permission to be in the Play Store.

An example of this is Fusion Solar, an APP for the management of solar facilities of Huawei that, due to the veto of the United States to the company, cannot integrate in Google apps and services. Interestingly, it is in Samsung’s application store, being a Korean company.

Download This app is also possible from the Huawei Application Store, which can be installed on any Android mobile, or from the company’s own website. However, There is a simpler way to install it if a friend already has it on his mobile or if someone from the family already uses it.

For this we will use applications such as Ml manager: apk extractor, A program that what it does is extract the APK from an application that is installed on our mobile and allow to share that APK with another person, which can install the app on your mobile. But this app goes much further.

This application works without having to make root access to the mobilealthough to be able to squeeze the advanced functions we will need to carry out that process. With the free version and without making root access we can extract any installed app and save it as APK. We can organize, share or uninstall them in a simple way.

Ml manager

Ml manager

The free android

With root access and Payment version We can uninstall system applications, hide applications of the device starting system or always extract the APKs in the background while we do other things. The payment version of this app costs 3.59 euros and can be installed in the magnet of the Android devices of the market.

This is a niche application, not thought for a mass audience, but it is useful for those uses that you like to investigate and modify their mobiles, in addition to being able to share apps certainty with friends and family, or to be able to install those apps of others that do not have and that are not easy to find.

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