WhatsApp has earned a space on the mobile phones of the vast majority of people in Spain who use this type of device. The competition is tough, and it may soon be even tougher if Elon Musk ends up launching his own email and messaging service, but the Meta app has the advantage of having a huge user base.
Without a doubt, it has great advantages that have attracted them over the years. You can do a lot of things with the app, from sharing several photos at once to making video calls, to the popular polls in group conversations.
The Free Android
One of the options included in the app is to block other users. Basically, it is a function thanks to which you can prevent another person from seeing your profile photo or contacting you. It is a state that is also difficult to know. Luckily, there is a very effective trick to know if we are blocked.
This is how it works
Blocking WhatsApp not only means that another person cannot communicate with us, but also that they cannot see the profile photo, its information or the statuses that we upload. Not having seen this information from a user in a long timeit should already give a clue that that person has blocked us.
However, to clear up doubts, there is a much more direct shortcut, thanks to which it will be possible to verify this in a moment with absolute certainty. To do this, you just need to open the application and click on the three-dot menu in the upper right part of the application.
Once there, you just have to click on the create group button and try to add the person who we think has blocked us. After, You just have to name the group and click on the Accept button. If when the group is created that user does not appear and there is only one member, it means that that person has blocked you.
The other person will not receive a notification that you have tried to add them to a group, so you can safely try it to see if that is the case. If you have been blocked, you will not be able to communicate with that person, so the healthiest decision is to accept it.