The tricks that I use on my mobile so that no one sees my notifications

In Spain, most users use the smartphone practically daily, either to work, chat with loved ones, play or even simply listen to music and watch some movie. It is not surprising, since it is an extremely versatile device, and with a lot of power.

However, the fact that you also save important information makes it attractive to people who love others. And not only because it is a device susceptible to theft, but because there are many people who can become quite gossip.

Luckily, Android has a series of options and configurations thanks to which It is possible to make the device somewhat more private in some situations. In this way, we will not have to worry because another person has a mobile when a message arrives.

Change notifications

An advantage of Android mobiles is that they have a vast configuration section in which it is possible decide the behavior of the device in many situations. When the mobile is blocked, for example, notifications are shown with great detail, but it is possible to change it.

If we go to the blocked screen settings we can activate an option so that complete notifications are shown on the lock screen. In this way, instead of showing that there is a WhatsApp notification teaching the message and the sender, The device would only teach that there is a new message from a conversation.

Notification configuration

Notification configuration

Thanks to this information filtering, it is possible to make the user cannot be more detailed information until the mobile is unlocked and put in the application. This will make it safer and that other people cannot know who has written you just by looking at your smartphone blocking screen.

In addition to this, each application has notification settings thanks to which it is possible to change the way in which the notices of some apps and some particular functions are received within those apps. For example, it is possible to modify WhatsApp notifications so that only new messages from individual chats are taught, but not from the group.

Thanks to this, it is possible to access the file of a specific application and prevent notifications from appearing, or make them something more subtle so that they are not so in sight. Of course, it is worth spending a while choosing the configuration of this section.

Block applications

Another solution that can be quite useful for protecting the information we have stored in the smartphone, which is to block applications. Many customization glasses have a native option thanks to which they allow putting an unlocking pattern to the applications that each user wants.

Thus, an extra security can be added, making not only necessary to unlock the smartphone to open this application, but it is also application has its own blockade. This can be a very good way to protect applications such as bank or email.

In general, many customization layers have this option, although it is also true that there are apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram or bank applications that also have their own blocking option, so it can be used perfectly.

Screen protector

If what you do not want is that anyone can see what you are writing or what you have written to you, there are some screen of the most interesting. These are made thinking about privacy, and depending on the angle from which they look, they will show the content of the screen so that it is seen totally in black.

This is ideal for those moments on the bus or in the subway in which the person next door can look at the screen of our mobile. Thus, if you look from the sides, the only thing that will be seen is the screen in black, thanks to the effect that the light causes in these screen protectors.

Privacy screen protector

Privacy screen protector

Logically, these protectors must be manufactured for the particular mobile we have, so we must now look for the particular model for each person’s device. Its price is usually less than 15 euros, so it can be a very interesting purchase or gift.

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