The weekend approaches, and with this, a new football day; But for many Spaniards, it is not time to encourage their favorite team, but to check if they will run out of access to thousands of legal web pages as a result of LaLiga’s mass blocks that have as its objective the Cloudflare cloud.
At the same time, in Greece they are about to take the next step against football piracy, a step that will generate even more controversy, because it will directly impact on the pocket of potentially millions of people: The fines just to see a pirate IPTV. After many rumors, finally The measure has appeared in one of the amendments to the new financing law that the Greek Parliament is debating.
The amendment has been introduced by the Minister of Culture, Lina Mendoni, as a complement to the web page blocks that the Government implemented in 2018; In the words of the minister, the fines have been qualified based on “to the severity and contempt” of actions of Internet users, and therefore, they will be of diverse amount depending on the circumstances, although at least, users should expect to pay several hundred euros for each infraction.
Specifically, Citizens accessing IPTV Pirates from home can receive fines of 750 eurosin other words, conventional users of this type of services, which so far have not been the objective of measures against piracy. In addition, the law includes a fine of 1,500 euros in cases where the content is shown publicly, and will reach 5,000 euros if the purpose is the commercial or monetary benefit (in other words, charge for access).
In addition to this, the amendment increases the blocking powers that Greece has already granted the owners of the rights, to also include dynamic content blockages. The law against piracy of Greece is very similar to the ‘Spanish Sinde Law, in the sense that the owners of the rights can ask a special government commission to order the blockade of the pirate content; This management is carried out without judicial supervision.
In recent months, the law has been modified to adapt to new pirate content trends by streaming, allowing the “preventive block” of sites that could offer pirate content; For example, pages that will offer access to a game when it is held. And now, he has won the possibility of blocking sites dynamically, for example, if they change dominance.
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The new text that allows fines to IPTV Pirate users would have already received the approval of the Greek parliamentarians, but from there to get run there is a stretch. And it is that the text does not include any mention in the way in which the system will work, especially as regards the identification of users.
In Spain, LaLig All Internet connections automatically, with the risk for privacy that this entails.