This is Google’s curious option with which it is able to detect if there is someone inside your house

When we think about Google, we have to keep in mind that the company is not only an Internet search engine, but covers a large number of areas in your businesses. From artificial intelligence to the manufacturing and distribution of smartphones and tablets, through the development of its own software platforms, such as Google Photos or Gmail.

It is a technology giant, which in addition to this has a series of very interesting home automation products, in addition to having a services framework for these devicesas is Google Home. This is compatible with many more products, in addition to those manufactured by the brand itself.

The interesting thing about this service framework is that, using the devices you have at home, it is capable of detecting if there is someone inside it. Google is now offering users the ability to turn this option on or off for their account and all of their devices in the home.

Detects presence and use

Google Home has a good number of options for the devices that we have saved in the account. Of course, if these are official Google products, you will have a greater number of these. One of them is the possibility of detecting if there are people at home.

To do this, use devices such as smart speakers and screens, televisions, streaming devices and even video games. With these, Google can tell if someone is homeas long as this option is activated. The company detects it by checking the video playback or the state of each device.

To deactivate this option, just open Google Home and go to Settings, then click on Presence Detection. Here, there is now a section in the testing phase for multimedia devices, an option that can be deactivated so that these are not used.

This detection is useful so that the device is ready to work, but, at the moment, it cannot be used for Google to alert you that someone is in the home as a watchdog. It is not clear if this option will arrive at some point, but what is certain is that more and more devices are capable of knowing if someone is home.

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