Android is an extremely used operating system in Spainalthough many of the people who use it do not even know that their mobile implements it. What they do recognize are the Google applications they have. Many of them are used daily, such as Google Photos or Gmail, but there are others that are not used as much despite being very useful, and even those that are used are not used as much.
This is a problem because There are actions that we could automate or carry out with the mobile phone, ignoring other the blackboard in the kitchen to write down things, for example. By always having your phone in your hand, it is difficult to miss a notice from one of these apps.
The important thing is that these are very well-known applications that are already installed on smartphones, so You don’t have to configure them or search for them in the Google Play Store. We just have to start using them in a different way than we did before.
Save parking in Android Auto
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Google Maps. This application is possibly one of Google’s best-known applications. It is used to create navigation routes from one place to another, or to know the traffic status in a specific area at a specific time.
But it can also be used to know where we have parked the car. You simply have to click on the blue dot when we are next to the vehicle and click on Save Parking. Then you just have to write “where is my car” in the Google Maps search box and it will indicate the point with the text “You have parked here” and the P symbol for parking. This feature is also available on Android Auto.
Another interesting function of Google Maps is being able to check where we have been on a specific day. If we do not remember where we went shopping one afternoon, or what day we were in a specific place, we can consult it in the chronology, which is a section in which all the places we have gone appear, including the times and, many Sometimes, the form of transportation.
Calendar. The calendar management application is not one of the most popular on Android except for those who work with it. But it can be useful for families since you can create shared events between several people, and set reminders both in the form of notifications and by email.
Invite to Google Calendar event
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In this way, the calendar becomes more of a personal assistant than a place to write down everything that needs to be done. In addition, if it is combined with a smart screen, all members of the house will be able to be aware of important events, including the little ones who do not yet have cell phones.
Reminders. Google is known for lurching with its apps, causing many users to become frustrated. Tasks is one of those applications that is not known if it exists, if it has been integrated into the calendar, into Gmail or if it ceases to exist. Luckily its operation is still present in the Google Assistant, or in Gemini.
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We can open the assistant and tell it to remind us of something in a day, or a month, or five minutes. Doing this several times a day is something I have done for years. I use it to remember to do the shopping, to pick up the clothes, to record a video… The best thing is that it appears as a notification on my mobile so even if I don’t remember to enter the Calendar app, which is where they appear , will always be in sight.
Again, if we have a smart screen we can also see them directly there if the hour has passed, like a kind of post-it. With the advantage that if we have several screens it will appear on all of them.
Contacts. This application is used because it is the one that the system integrates into the Telephone application. Do not confuse them, because in Contacts we will have the phone book with the telephone numbers, but to call we have to go to the other one.
The point is that, in addition to being able to enter the phone number or name of a contact, we can also enter their address, which is very useful if we do not remember it and because, if we click on it, Google Maps will open, creating a route from our location to that contact’s home, or their office address, depending on what we have saved.
The same thing happens with important dates, such as the anniversary, which we can put in a text box for this. But the most relevant dates are birthdays. In all contacts we can put the date of birth and, what is more important, it will appear as an event in the Calendar application if we have the birthday calendar that is created by default active. That way we will no longer have to resort to Facebook to remember.
Phone. The last application has a very obvious use, but what many people do not know is that, in addition to being able to call, we can block phones, to prevent them from contacting us again. This is done in the Settings of the same app, which allows you to identify possible SPAM calls. Also, if it is a normal number but we want to block it, we simply have to leave it pressed when we enter the Recent Calls section and click on the block option.