This is Mercagpt, the Spanish application that generates personalized menus and compares supermarket prices

In Spain, many people are used to buying in supermarkets, something that It is usually quite linked to the comfort they offerhaving many products in the same place. It is true that on some occasions – and depending on the area – the quality lowers quite compared to that offered by butchers, fruit shops and independent fishmongers. However, it is usually worthwhile if you want to save time.

Many of these shops, such as Mercadona, have their own app for Android, although the truth is that, with the exception of a couple of cases, most only serve as a catalog or to make the purchase onlinebut without option to apply your products to concrete recipes. Club Día, for example, does offer this extra, and the truth is that it is appreciated to have new ideas, and Alcampo has even introduced the APP.

Although it is useful to have a catalog of recipes such as the one that has this app, artificial intelligence can give a new dimension to this type of applications and the advice they offer to the user. Mercagpt is a Spanish platform that uses OpenAi AI To help users in the purchase, and it is a good proof of this.

This basically is a platform that uses chatgpt to help the user make the purchase list, specialized menus and much more. Not only is it compatible with Mercadona, but right now, Carrefour and Alcampo products are also included.

The platform has been created by the Spanish Cloud Engineer Juan Carlos Cavero Gracia, and has affirmed to El Español – the free android that the function of the platform that attracts the most to use users is to create diets quickly, although the truth is that the truth is that It has many possibilities.

Buy intelligently

In each home the purchase is made in a different way. Many people choose to carry out a great purchase that serves for a week or two, while other people prefer to go every two or three days to get the products they need. In any case, A tool like Mercagpt can be key to making it even easier.

The first thing to keep in mind is that The platform knows the nutritional prices and values ​​of all products Of these three supermarkets, so he is able to offer the user borders based on this information. This can be very useful at the time, for example, to compare the yogurts of the three supermarkets, since it will be able to tell the user what are the cheapest and the healthiest.

Mercagpt menu

Mercagpt menu

Jacinto Araque

The free android

This allows Optimize the purchase cart taking into account prices, but also quality of the products. There are many occasions in which certain foods can contain ingredients that would not have to carry, and the platform is a great help to avoid this type of products. In addition, the process of creating the purchase car can be done directly on a form, indicating calories, type of diet and even supermarket.

This charges one special importance in the case of people who have to follow special diets“Help a lot of people who make different diets than standard, for example lactose intolerant, celiacs, vegans,” says Cavero. These needs regarding the diet cause more difficulties when planning the weekly menu. In this sense, the platform offers many facilities to users.

AI as ally

The platform, thanks to Chatgpt, is also able to adjust to other parameters that the user asks for, something that allows a fully personalized purchase list. It is possible Ask him not to pass from a certain price and even take into account the number of guests For certain occasions.

It is a great time savings, since “it does not have to go for the supermarket reading the labels one by one, but with this tool they are already prosecuted for you and you just have to ask for the chat,” says his creator. The truth is that it is as easy as telling the tool that creates a weekly menu that includes certain foods, excludes others and does not pass from a certain price.

All information has been extracted from its websites, so This is the same that is found on products labels. Supermarkets, in fact, have not collaborated in any way in this regard. In spite of this, the tool seems to have been quite successful, so much that shortly after its launch, Mercadona decided to raise the prices of online orders.

The platform is available by a price that starts from 4.50 euros per month if you are paid annuallyalthough it can be tested for free, with up to 5 requests to the AI. Regarding the future of this tool, its creator states that they are “focused on improving Mercagpt and add more supermarkets and improve responses and times.” Of course, without closing doors to take this type of tools to other areas, since it has been shown that it can be a great help for many users.

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