This ultra minimalist Android application will help you not waste time on social networks

When Android began its journey, one of the things that its users valued most was the customization it allowed. In Spain, the HTC Hero was one of the most sought after phones simply because its interface, HTC Sense, was much prettier than the ones that existed until now, which were basically the ones that Google left standard on Android, with the HTC Dream and the HTC Magic.

But little by little the customization fever passed, although things like being able to change the wallpaper and even the icons remain. The interfaces of current mobile phones already leave such advanced configuration within our reach that changing the launcher, or the main interface app, is something that has been relegated to the most passionate users by mobile telephony.

But despite everything, there are still proposals that allow us to change the way we interact with the phone, and even help us use it less. One of them is Niagara Launcher, a desktop replacement which we talked about a long time ago but which has recently undergone a strong update with two very important new features.

NIagara Launcher

NIagara Launcher

The Free Android

The first is the possibility of making backup copies of your settings and interface so, when we change mobile phones, we can import that configuration and not have to waste time leaving the new mobile phone like the previous one. In addition, it is possible to configure several mobile phones in the same way, if we have more than one in use simultaneously.

The second new function is the one that allows the mobile phone itself to send us an alert when we have spent too much time in an application. This is designed for social media, which are productivity black holes. The development company of this application has been doing own research hand in hand with its users to establish the most appropriate parameters for these notices.

Niagara Launcher

Niagara Launcher

The Free Android

Yes indeed, This feature is integrated into the paid version of the application. Niagara Launcher is one of those apps that has a monthly or annual subscription but, wisely, the developers also give the option to make a one-time payment to unlock the Pro version for life. There is currently a promotion and This single cost is 23.99 euros. This Pro version not only includes this feature, but also other capabilities, such as using multiple widgets at once in the main interface.

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