In Spain, traffic regulations are changing in recent years to adapt to European regulations that require cities to have areas in which it is not possible to circulate with too polluting cars. This is something we have seen in the largest cities, such as Madrid, which has had political disputes on this issue, although it has ended up implementing these areas in which it limits the circulation of certain vehicles.
Now, little by little This regulation begins to appear in the applications we use daily to go from one place to another, such as Google Maps. In certain locations the application is showing new symbols and explanations that make us clear whether or not we can enter our car, depending on the type of motor and the years it has.
Yes indeed, For now it is seen in cities like Madrid, but not in others like Sevillealthough it also has areas of low active emissions that imply fines if it circulates with a wrong vehicle. It is hoped that little by little all the Zbe begin to appear on Google Maps in Spain.
These zbe are shown in the application with A concrete symbol, a black Z with a blue circle. In addition, they only appear when we make a route that crosses a area of this type. In the app itself the shaded area with the area in which we have to pass only if our car meets the regulations and has the right label.
In the application interface itself appears The name of the ZBE, as well as the type of cars that can circulate through the samedepending on the label we have. In the case of Madrid we will also have more information on the Madrid 360 website to inform us.
Zbe in Google Maps
The free android
At the moment these areas They are appearing in the mobile application, both for Android and for iOSbut not in the web version. Of course, many of the Zbe of the more than 100 in Spain are still missing so we cannot trust that Google Maps will warn us of all of them, at least for the moment. To know all the zbe that are active the best is use the interactive map of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challengealthough it is not very comfortable to use in mobiles.