WhatsApp revolutionizes business sales in Spain with a simple sticker on Instagram Stories: so it works

WhatsApp has different functions to offer better experience to both business and customers. Now comes with great force, since a simple WhatsApp Sticker on Instagram Stories Everything will change it to minimize the sales funnel and more conversions are achieved, either organically or paying with ads.

Last year Spanish – Android Libre was present in another of the great ads carried out by WhatsApp Business, and how Meta intends Change the sales panorama through your chat app; Not only to acquire an entrance to a theater or concert, but as the central channel for any relationship between company-client.

And the mere appearance of the WhatsApp stick in Instagram Stories can be said that transforms the sales funnel to which any small company or business can now access without spending a penny of euro; provided you have a engagement Important organic from the official account of a small dry cleaner to that neighborhood store that sells bouquets of Rosas.

Today the WhatsApp stick from the Instagram Stories has appeared in Spain so that any business can include it in one and so reach the thousands of followers you have in your Instagram business account.

The only thing to have WhatsApp connected to the Instagram account which is now associated through the Meta Accounts Center. That is, it is similar to the flow that is generated when content is sent from the stories to Instagram and Facebook. And once the WhatsApp sticker is included in the story, the user who reproduces it, can touch it to start a direct conversation with the official account of the company.

Example of how the WhatsApp Sticker works on Instagram Stories

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The objective of this stick, apart from quickly connecting businesses with customers through Instagram to fall directly to the company’s WhatsApp, is that More conversions are achievedespecially when advertising ads are used.

The process is now reduced To launch an advertising campaign that includes the Instagram Stories and the new WhatsApp Sticker, hook the potent The store.

It is not a totally new experience, since with the links on Instagram it has been possible to redirect the company’s WhatsApp channel, but It was not as visual and intuitive as now When the WhatsApp logo hook appears directly in its new stick and by pressing it, take it directly to the future client to the company or business chat.

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