Windows 11 is updated with a new, more secure login

Microsoft has released a update for Windows 11 that redesigns one of its security features most important. The most recent beta of the Insider program facilitates the authentication process with Passkeys in Windows Hello. The technology giant has left aside the tedious process to activate these keys in the operating system, improving security.

In a Windows blog postMicrosoft detailed the new features that will arrive in the beta version of Windows 11 Insider. Build 22635.4440 includes a redesign of Windows Hellothe function that allows you to log in to your computer using biometric methods or a pin. The new version completely changes the user experience to adapt it to the Windows 11 design language.

Windows Hello debuted as a Windows 10 security feature that integrated biometric data such as fingerprint, iris or face. Users could use fingerprint readers or webcams to perform facial recognition, available on some laptops. Although the proposal was novel, its design and user experience were never updated with the arrival of Windows 11.

The arrival of Passkeys represents a paradigm shift in security, which is why Microsoft took the opportunity to update its integration with Windows Hello. The most current version of the security suite includes new iconography on the Windows 11 start screen. Users will be able to choose whether they want to sign in with their fingerprint, PIN, USB key or Passkey.

New login screen in Windows 11

Windows 11 improves Passkeys integration in Windows Hello

The changes leave behind login with QR codes on mobile devices. Instead, Users can sync Passkeys with their Microsoft account and access them from Windows 11. To do this, we must first confirm our identity and the system will offer a list of passcodes available for our account.

“We’ve redesigned the Windows Security Credentials user experiences for Passkeys, creating a cleaner experience that supports secure and fast authentication,” Microsoft said. “The updated Windows Hello visuals are designed to facilitate fast, clear communication and appear on the Windows sign-in screen as well as other authentication flows, such as passkey, Microsoft Store, and many more.”

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